Poor brake maintenance especially during extreme weather conditions can decrease the system’s longevity heavily. It also increases considerable risks of accidents and injuries due to collision among brake parts. The system might seem complex but is surprisingly easy to maintain at home. This involves ensuring the master cylinder, brake line, brake pads and rotors sustaining their working conditions. Below are listed a few important tips to keep in mind while undergoing brake maintenances:
Brake Pads and Rotors
The brake pads and rotors form the primary point of contact between the tyres and the whole of the braking system. These are the elements which tend to wear and tear much before any other component. The brake pads undergo constant heat while the brakes are pulled and hence require a frequent inspection to check their functioning abilities. The quality and depth of the pads are necessary to ensure perfect resistance. If the pads and rotors release a burning smell or it takes a bit more distance to stop than usual, it is time to look for replacements.
Brake Fluid
The brake fluids pass along a long way once the brake pedals are flushed. They travel from the master cylinder to the brake pads and rotor, all through the brake lines and callipers. This helps them serve the role of a messenger. But this fluid attracts a lot of moisture, that gets coagulated all through the pathways it travels through. This moisture helps create corrosion between the parts, making the fluid as well the brake ineffective. Hence, this fluid must be replaced every 25,000 miles the vehicle runs.
To ensure there is sufficient brake fluids during replacement, the use of precision fluid dispensing systems such as these can help to deliver accurate amounts of fluid.
Brake Lines
In addition to flushing the brake fluid, it is also necessary to bleed the brake lines, to release the excess air trapped in it. The trapped air can lower down the efficacy of the brakes highly.
Replace or Upgrade Parts
Sometimes, it’s wise to not pull the system any further and opt for up-gradation to specialised parts that will increase the performance heavily. New parts will be more heat resistant and quiet, producing fewer brake dust.
System Care
The brake system can be taken care into by ensuring the vehicle is not pushed against its limits in carrying weights, unnecessary or heaving braking is avoided or exposure to excessive wet weather is prevented.
Installation of Cross Drilled brake pads will not only upgrade the system but will also ensure a remarkable rise in the high-performance display.